Production process Lasmotec Surhuisterveen

The production process is reviewed in a structured manner with priority being given to the monitoring of quality and quantity. This is how we safeguard our quality guarantee.

Head of Workplace

Projects that have been largely devised by our customers often include a theoretical pipe route. The details are measured and adjusted on site by the mechanics. The mechanics’ drawings are sent to the Head of Workplace where they are assessed for feasibility and clarity. The materials needed on site are prefabricated in our factory.

The cutter

The cutter collects the required materials and calculates the cutting sizes. The calculated cutting sizes are checked by the Head of Workplace. The cutter then cuts everything to size while taking bends into account and taking care of the required fittings and tee joints. The cutter also checks the material.

The fitter

The fitter checks the work of the cutter and assembles the material for the welder. The fitter ensures that the material is presented to the welder in manageable parts. This means that the fitter cannot always build immediately from a drawing, but needs to have insight into the working method of the welder and take this into account. The fitter then determines which welder to send the material to, depending on the required welding technique.

The welder

The welder checks the work of the fitter. The welder checks to see that it matches the drawing and checks the pipe route. If it does not match, he tries to adjust it himself or brings it back into the process. If everything is in line with the drawing, the material is welded by the welder and then it goes to the controller for the final check.

The controller

After the material has gone through the production process via the cutter, the fitter and the welder, the end product is checked by the controller. The controller is a specialised craftsman who checks the material according to internal quality standards and thus guarantees quality.

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT): inspection of the weld

Our employees are qualified and certified for specialist welding to X-ray standard. High demands are placed on welding, particularly when it involves steam pipes, gas pipes and cooling installations. Ammoniac is used as a coolant in cooling installations. In order to meet quality requirements, we inspect the quality of the welding through internal control, endoscopy and X-rays.