Orbital welding Lasmotec Surhuisterveen

Orbital welding is a fully mechanised welding process involving the use of a robot to make the weld. A tungsten electrode rotates around the outside of the seam to be welded. The welding head rotates 360 degrees around the tube. This process is carried out very precisely according to a fixed path, thus creating a very straight, high-quality weld.

Orbital welding is used predominantly for the repeatable welding of tubes and pipes when very precise weld joints are required and yet can be made with speed.

Very professional orbital welders

Although the weld is made by a robot, the quality certainly depends on the human touch. The difficulty of orbital welding is the programming of the robot; the programming determines the quality of the weld. This is why our orbital system is programmed by a highly skilled employee. During the programming, our employee takes the quality of the metal, diameter, etc. into account. If necessary, a good orbital welder can correct imperfections in the fitting work so that, with the right setting, a perfect weld can still be created. Lasmotec therefore pays a lot of attention to the craftsmanship and training of orbital welders.

Orbital welding suitable for the dairy industry

The quality of orbital welding is very high and consistent. In the dairy industry, a blank weld is an important requirement. The perfect welds produced by orbital welding make the tubes and pipes that are joined to each other through this welding system extremely suitable for the dairy industry. This welding process is also very suitable for the pharmaceutical industry because the quality requirements in this sector are also very high.

More production: less frequent cleaning and faster cleaning process

The weld created using orbital welding allows no accumulation of bacteria in the tube. This has a positive impact on the speed at which the system can be cleaned as well as the frequency. Less frequent cleaning and a faster cleaning process means more time for production.