Experiences Lasmotec Surhuisterveen

I have worked with Lasmotec for over 12 years. Initially I worked with their technicians as a service technician and over the past five years as Project Manager. We have worked together on projects for Storteboom Kornhorn and for various branches of Friesland Campina for refrigeration projects (ammonia).

My experience with Lasmotec has been nothing short of excellent. Without any exaggeration, Lasmotec is an outstanding welding and assembly company. They are service oriented, live up to their agreements and deliver excellent work. And last but not least: they meet their pre-agreed schedule.

Marco Hoeksema, Projectmanager

Scherjon Dairy Equipment works with Lasmotec on projects for our cheese-making equipment on a worldwide scale. Lasmotec is a company with a lot of craftsmanship. An agreement is an agreement; craftsmanship and flexibility are key words that come naturally to Lasmotec. Half a word is enough to understand what is needed for the project.

I have known Gerrit and Oebele for more than 30 years. We are about the same age. (Is that why we so often talk about the past with a touch of nostalgia…?)

Scherjon Dairy Equipment BV
Hielke en Johannes Scherjon, Director/Owner

As Yxion, on behalf of Friesland Campina, we have worked with Lasmotec on the Mountain and Switch projects for Friesland Campina. During this cooperation, we have come to learn that a good knowledge of process equipment, high quality of their work, flexibility and personal contact are undoubtedly Lasmotec’s core strengths.

All welding carried out by Lasmotec during a project is inspected by a certified welding company. After an inspection of more than 600 welds there is sill some indignation when just one weld is not approved. Fantastic! The welders are committed to scoring 100%.

Yxion i.o.v. Friesland Campina
Pierre Veerman, Engineering Manager

Among other things, Lasmotec has undertaken part of the Martini Project in Bedum and the Pave Project in Leeuwarden on behalf of Friesland Campina. Lasmotec can be characterised as reliable on quality, planning and calculation. This is due to a structured approach that starts with the calculation and is then implemented in the work preparation and execution.

I regard Lasmotec as a top club with real Premier League players. The employees are professional and reliable in their management, work preparation and implementation.

Friesland Campina
Jelte Smits, Project manager EPC

MME performs welding inspections by applying destructive and non-destructive testing. We have been working with Lasmotec since 2009 and become involved as soon as the project on which Lasmotec is working requires high-quality materials and welding. This includes projects for the petrochemical industry, high-pressure pipes and other critical pipework. These projects require high-quality materials and welding and our job is to provide welding inspections.

MME works in Surhuisterveen as well as on Lasmotec’s various sites. Our inspectors have come to know Lasmotec as a pleasant, professional company with excellent welding qualities. There is a pleasant atmosphere and the employees are highly motivated.

MME Group
Derkjan Beunk, Branch Manager

We have been allowed to cooperate with the project RFC SWITCH-Borculo. Lasmotec is well organized while still remaining dynamic enough to adjust according to the needs of large projects. Keywords for Lasmotec are Professional, Courteous and Adaptive. They are easy to work with a great balance of fun and professionalism.

My team and I enjoyed working with everyone in the Lasmotec organisation and we look forward to our next opportunity to do so again.
We see this as a long term relationship.

Complete Filtration Resources, Inc.
Tom Heinzen, VP – International Operations

Lasmotec is a company with innovative ideas that manages to achieve a great deal due to its down-to-earth Frisian attitude. The people are the core of the business and, together, strive to achieve a common goal. Start People has been working together with Lasmotec for over 5 years in the field of personnel and we value the way in which they empower people. A pleasant, reliable company.

Start People
Hieke Geurtsen, Branch Manager

I have been working together with Lasmotec as representative of Friesland Non Ferro Metaal B.V. for 10 years now. I visit Lasmotec about twice a month concerning customer relations and quote follow-up. Our cooperation covers various application areas concerning the supply of materials.

Quality, expertise and a wealth of possibilities are Lasmotec’s strong points. On top of that, they are a nice bunch of people!

Friesland Non Ferro Metaal B.V.
Harry Hirsch, Representative

Dacapo is one of Lasmotec’s suppliers of stainless steel semi-finished products and we have been working on various projects together for over 20 years. Friesland Campina Borculo is just one of the projects that we have worked on together. Lasmotec is an excellent welding and assembly company with extensive experience in the food sector. The atmosphere within the company is informal and the people are very pleasant and skilled. The company contributes to the thinking process and delivers good quality work.

Dacapo Stainless B.V.
Wiljan van Asten, Account manager

Kloezen-De Boer Transport has taken care of the transport needs for various projects at home and abroad for over 15 years. We have come to know Lasmotec as a well-organised company with a good and friendly working atmosphere. The transport arrangements are always prepared down to the tiniest detail and an agreement is an agreement. We value Lasmotec as a loyal customer and we like working with them.

We have recently acquired a new trailer in Lasmotec’s house style. It is a unique trailer and a truly successful project!

Kloezen-De Boer Transport
Jan-Sjoerd Kloezen, Directeur

The last project that we worked on together was the large pipeline bridge for Friesland Campina Gerkesklooster, but our cooperation goes back at least 10 years. Lasmotec’s strong points are their reliability (an agreement is an agreement) and the high quality of the work delivered. My contact with both management and employees is very good. I can certainly recommend Lasmotec as a good party to place orders with.

Wybren Nicolai, Director/Owner

Lasmotec has worked on behalf of GEA for over 25 years. We have carried out projects together for A-ware, Friesland Campina, DOC, and many others. Lasmotec is an ambitious company that delivers high quality work and puts its customers first. They’re a nice bunch of people! I recall a project for the installation of a chiller 24 years ago. Together with Jappie, Oebele, Roel Wierda, Teak, etc. we had a difficult job to do and yet they managed to keep their sense of humour. (Ask Jappie about it …)

Jos van Dam, Projectmanager