Cheese installation

Together with Scherjon Dairy Equipment Holland, we are busy building a new cheese installation in the Lasmotec workplace. Consisting of CIP set, coupling board, curd maker, platform, draining tank and…

Biogas upgrading plant

Lasmotec is currently building for DMT Environmental Technology B.V. a biogas upgrading plant. A biogas upgrade works with the new membrane technology, pig manure is fermented into biogas. The biogas…

Factory STOP

During a STOP day in a dairy factory, welders are indispensable. On a STOP day, the factory is at a standstill in terms of production and all kinds of repairs…

Cool piping

Our technicians are busy connecting coolers and condensers by means of piping for an ice water tank at Heiploeg International B.V. This is the goal of cooling the process water.

Lasmotec closed due Easter

Due to the upcoming Easter weekend, Lasmotec will be closed from Friday 15 April to Monday 18 April. We wish everyone a nice Easter weekend!

Throwback Thursday

Today we look back, to 7 May 2007 in Romania. A cheese factory that Lasmotec has manufactured together with Scherjon Dairy Equipment Holland is officially opened here. Looking back at…

Almost 31 years Old Fashioned Craftsmanship

For almost 31 years, Lasmotec has been supplying Old Fashioned Craftsmanship at the Netherlands and abroad, from the dairy to the chemical industry and far beyond. Interested in collaborating with…

Filtration Systems

In collaboration with CFR Complete Filtrations Resources, Lasmotec has produced three filtration systems for an end customer. This consists of a polisher, RO and a thermizer system including the connecting…